Thursday, September 13, 2007

5 Freedoms

A friend tonight asked me for a favor. It wasn't a big deal, just to return something to someone, but because of extenuating circumstances I didn't feel comfortable carrying out the task. So I said no. I'd be glad to do other favors for him, but not this particular thing. And I won't lose any sleep about it either.

Anyway, it put me in mind of Virginia Satir's list of the Five Freedoms:

The freedom to see and hear what is here, instead of
what should be, was, or will be.

The freedom to say what you feel and think, instead of
what you should.

The freedom to feel what you feel, instead of
what you ought.

The freedom to ask for what you want, instead of
always waiting for permission.

The freedom to take risks in your own behalf, instead of
choosing to be only "secure" and not rocking the boat.

Here's a rare clip I found on youtube of Virginia doing her thing:

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