Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Erickson videos
Sunday, September 23, 2007
You Are What You Read: The First Word

The First Word: The Search for the Origins of Language by Christine Kenneally
Viking Books, 2007
Out of all of the mysteries of the human mind, the origination and evolution of language remains one of the most controversial and highly contested. In The First Word, Christine Kenneally provides a deft overview of this complex subject. From Darwin to Chomsky to the human genome project this story of linguistic evolution provides much food for thought.
xposted to You Are What You Read
Friday, September 21, 2007
It's fascinating how much information there is in each sound that Ms. Ray makes. Each "mmmm" is the same and yet subtly different. There's the 'Better than I expected' mmm; the 'I'm having an orgasm' mmmmmm; the 'just the ticket' mmmmm; the 'WOW' mmmmmm; the 'good but not great' mmmmmmm; the hot and spicy mmmmmm; the mmmmmmm for sweets; the thirst quencher mmmmmmm; the comforted mmmmmm; and probably many more.
What are some of the ones you heard? Do you make sounds and gestures like this when you eat?
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
13 Tricks to Motivate Yourself
You Are What You Read: Ormond McGill

Last weekend I re-read the late Ormond McGill's classic work Hypnotism and Mysticism in India.
Like a lot of McGill's books, HAMII is a lot of stage bunkum mixed with actual esoteric wisdom. Learn about the Indian Rope trick, thought projection, advanced yoga breathing techniques, distant mental influencing, and more!
Highly recommended.
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Creating Coincidence
Every message you send is translated into a certain act. “Ask, and you shall receive.” But be careful. If, for example, you ask for a good relationship but you don’t really believe in it, the subconscious will produce two things: both the good relationship and the subsequent experience that it won’t work. You get everything you ask for. That’s why it’s essential to be congruent with your wish; head and heart, reason and emotion must be joined.
Magia Sexualis
Practical Mental Influence by William W. Atkinson
Here is one of his most important works: Practical Mental Influence
(a more readable version on scribd)
Friday, September 14, 2007

Speaking of Mystery, Jezebel has an amusing interview with the guy. I'm not a student of speed seduction (I much prefer the slow kind), and I haven't read The Game but I'd agree with this statement:
That's what this whole pick-up thing has been about. It's not about trying to pick up a girl so you can get laid. It's about building trust in someone, whether it's a sushi meal or an orgasm, at the same time life is just about experience.
In other words, and I think a lot of men may have a misconception about this (most women, though, I believe get it, at least subconsciously), is that the art of the pick-up has nothing to do with controlling or changing women, it's about imbibing the lives of the shy dweebs drawn to this stuff with just a little bit of goddamn passion and adventure and maybe making contact, however briefly, with another person.
Although, I admit that hat has got to go.
Cornell Witchcraft Library
Cornell University has put its witchcraft library onto the web. Although the focus of the collection is on theology and heresy, there should be much here of interest to anyone interested in trance, brainwashing, and human psychology.
via Streams of Consciousness blog
Thursday, September 13, 2007
5 Freedoms
Anyway, it put me in mind of Virginia Satir's list of the Five Freedoms:
The freedom to see and hear what is here, instead of
what should be, was, or will be.
The freedom to say what you feel and think, instead of
what you should.
The freedom to feel what you feel, instead of
what you ought.
The freedom to ask for what you want, instead of
always waiting for permission.
The freedom to take risks in your own behalf, instead of
choosing to be only "secure" and not rocking the boat.
Here's a rare clip I found on youtube of Virginia doing her thing:
Hypnosis more effective in handling breast cancer pain.
Those who received hypnosis needed less anesthesia during the operation, reported less pain afterward and their procedures took less time. They spent 11 minutes less in surgery, amounting to $773 per patient in reduced surgical costs, according to the study published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute."
Or, in the words of the authors of the study, which was published online by the Journal of the National Cancer Institute (subscription req'd):
"...hypnosis intervention appears to be one of the rare clinical interventions that can simultaneously reduce both symptom burden and costs. Patients are likely to benefit from less time in surgery and reduced use of sedatives because patients undergoing longer surgical procedures with more sedatives tend to have greater nausea and pain following surgery and tend to recover more slowly..."
Emphasis added
And when you open your eyes you'll feel as if no time has passed
This is no longer the case. In fact, it's quite the opposite. There's almost too much material out there now! VH1 even has a reality show about speed seduction, starring the noted boulevardier, Mystery.
And it's not just video, with scribd you can find and/or post written rarities and oddities. I aim to draw upon these resources, as well as add to them from my own collection.
You Are Getting Sleepy is devoted to posting links, clips, and quotes pertaining to hypnotism, mentalism, NLP, and related subjects. I don't aim to offer indepth teaching or essays. There are plenty of other sites that can do that better. Think of this as a clearinghouse, or a lighthouse that will guide you to those sites and thinkers.
But I know that as you sit in your chair now, reading these words, and following along in your own mind, that you'll find yourself learning much, growing even more excited about all the knowledge and opportunities presenting themselves to you now and amazed at just how much power, intelligence, and joy your own mind can contain! Now...Open your eyes